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Constructing a CV

The resume is a marketing tool which acts as a door opener and allows an employer to assess your qualifications quickly in the pre-screening process before interviews. Most resumes are initially read for 20 to 40 seconds or less (5 to 15 seconds if unsolicited).

Help the readers form mental pictures of you and your activities as they look for key words and phrases. Among 10s, 100s, or 1000s of resumes, the employer needs to ascertain the benefits you are offering them, based on your past accomplishments, ideally two pages in length. Prior to compiling your CV you will need to construct a self-portrait, summarising your skills and experience, outlining what you have to offer to a potential employer.


Black ink typed on A4 white good quality paper, Use bold headings to heighten the visual impact, insert bullet-points where necessary to highlight certain points, check spellings and grammar, etc. What do you wish to convey? , What are the major points about you that make you so employable? e.g. Skills, experience, availability etc.


The role

What are the jobs you are going for?
Target your CV e.g. Emphasise your particular skills, which make you the perfect candidate for the job.

The major sections of a resume will include

  • Name, Address(es), Telephone numbers (voice/fax), e-mail, URL
  • Profile or Career goal
  • Summary of qualifications
  • This section will provide a concise overview of your qualifications as they relate to your Job Objective or Career Goal as stated immediately above. Here is where you want the employer to recognise and become interested in the competitive advantage you bring to the position.

  • Skills summary
  • (in place of Job Objective and Summary of Qualifications sections)

  • Education
  • Computer proficiency
  • List both your theoretical and working knowledge. Categorise an extensive background in columns with headings such as Hardware, Operating Systems, Software, and Languages.

  • Work experience
  • The Chronological style of resume is the most widely accepted format for outlining work experience. Try this type of format first. If you are not getting your best credentials onto page one, then try the Modified Chronological style. If that still does not help, try the Functional model.

  • Hobbies and interests
  • References
  • Dependent on the Resume, always add 2 professional references, or 1 professional and 1 personal reference.
